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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Grammy Fashion

My 3 Favorite Red carpet looks for the 2014 Grammys are.........

                                                         John legend 2014 Grammys
                                                         Chrissy Teigen Legend 2014 Grammys
                                                         Paris Hiton 2014 Grammys

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Sushi anyone?

Picture taken at RA Sushi Bar, a great place to have sushi if you are ever in the San Diego area

Inspiration with Mom......

                                         Inspiration with MOM....

Thanks mom, we can do this!! Lets make it happen....put God purpose in action everyone! Help one another imagine the possibilities.......


Dreaming BIG with Mary Kay!!

I had the pleasure of interviewing one of the phenomenal leading ladies of Mary Kay from Tupelo Mississippi, Karen Salters! I was so enlightened and encouraged by this interview to follow my dreams as well as see the ministry in the brand Mary Kay.  In this interview I was able to follow into the day and life of Karen Salters on her Mary Kay journey.  Mary Kay just added to the premiere car program the new BMW 320i to their list of rewards, which is great motivation to join their team!

-My ministry is life changing….Karen Salters-

_Shoot for the moon and if you should miss you'll land among the stars!!! You can do All things through Christ that strengthens you!! -Karen Salters


What is your Inspiration? God and my family is my inspiration.  I want to leave a legacy for my family.   Retiring my husband is also an inspiration of mine as well as self-fulfillment and empowering others. 

What does the Day to Day with Karen Salters look like? My day to day consist of devotion, asking God to lead me…
I make it a purpose to meet/share my business with 5 individuals a day.
Scripture, I always have a daily scripture to start my day. I add positive thoughts and complimenting others to my day as well.  I make sure every day that I contact 5 girls and have at least 2 lunch dates a week to catch up.

What would you tell women who are thinking about being a part of the Mary Kay team?  Mary Kay is an excellent home based business that allows you to make extra money, flexibility, tax write off, positive relationships/friendships, care program, free trips, jewelry, and self confidence. It is a convenient and easy way to meet, greet, and network with people from all over the world.  Mary Kay is so much more than just products, it’s a ministry that empowers and encourages people, its life changing.  Being a part of Mary Kay is a great way to climb the latter from a consultant to a director while being rewarded.  Individuals can go to my website to shop, and if interested in beginning their Mary Kay business, there is info also on my website.  I'm welcoming others to join me in Building A Solid Team of Women and Men, yes men. 

 "Imagine everyone has a sign on their backs that says, Make me feel special”-Mary Kay Ash

To join Karen Salters team login to her website:

Monday, January 13, 2014

Snack Healthy!

Snacking is great to do as the day goes along when its healthy.  It is easy to grab candy, doughnuts, or any fatty foods but it takes discipline to make healthy choices.  I am not saying that eating those things are forbidden but for the most part it is great to make healthy choices for you and your family.  In the photo below there is a picture of grapes and vanilla granola. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Healthy Snack

Healthy Snack from Green Bellies......
I decided to take the kids to the children's museums yesterday so that they could learn some new things while burning off a that energy that they had at home. I discoverd a cafĂ© there in the museum called green bellies where they had nothing but green foods(healthy foods).  I wanted a healthy snack in which I was urged to try the nut clusters and ummmmmmm.....they were so good. They were so good that I immediately looked up a recipe for nut clusters.

  • 1/2 cup almonds
  • 1/2 cup cashew pieces
  • 1/2 cup sunflower seeds (shelled)
  • 1/2 cup peanuts
  • 1 TBL Brown Rice Syrup
  • 3 TBL Honey


  1. Mix brown rice syrup and honey in a small bowl.
  2. In a large bowl, combined nuts and seeds.
  3. Pour honey syrup mixture over nuts.
  4. Scoop into a pan lined with parchment paper! (otherwise, tough to remove) (8X8 or 8 inch round pan).
  5. Bake at 350 for at least 20 minutes, or until just before nuts start to brown. Take out of oven and leave on the counter for several hours, preferable overnight to harden.
  6. By morning, your custers will be well glued together!

Use any mixture of nuts and seeds you like. I did this a second time with only almonds.  The key is to get 2 cups worth of nuts and seeds, to 4 TBL worth of sweeteners.
The verdict! Don't make it if you can't stop yourself from eating too many because it's amazing!!!  One little cluster however is perfect for kids lunch or snack!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Stay Warm

To all my CHICAGOANS and People from ATL.....KEEP WARM!!!!!
Chicago weather today is 14 degrees
Atlanta weather today is 24 degrees

If you or anyone that you know need transportation to shelters to keep warm in Atlanta call 404-817-7070


The Gym shoe heel has been the it shoe for a while now....
You cannot go wrong with this shoe. Leggings, skinny jeans, with a cute top will bring out the perfect look in this shoe! How do you rock your gym shoe heel?
(Shoes from Macys by Guess)