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Sunday, December 29, 2013

COUNT DOWN TO 2014!!!!!!!!!

The year of 2014 came so quick! I remember when the year of 2000 had just came, it seemed like  2014 was so far away and yet we are right there.  Can you think back 14 years ago? What did you want to have accomplished by this time? Did you accomplish it yet? I haven't....but I am here to tell you it's never too late as long as you have breath in your body. Anything is possible!! When I was a senior in high school my English teacher had us write a letter to ourselves 5years from that day. I remember writing that I wanted to be a fashion designer, which is still one of my goals. I want to encourage you , whatever your goals are, know that you can achieve anything that you put your mind to. Start working towards those goals now...write them down and WATCH THEM COME ALIVE.

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