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Monday, March 30, 2015

My Favorite Natural hair products right now....

Right now, these are my favorite natural hair products.  I am newly natural and i am still trying to find all of the products that work for my hair.  I really love the Carols Daughter Black Vanilla sulfate-free shampoo.  It really makes my hair look and feel clean without stripping the natural oils from it.   I also like the enhance of my curls that the Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie give me.  It also leaves my hair feeling and looking moisturized.  Last but not least, the Olive Oil eco-styling gel gives a sleek finish to my edges daily! Go check out those products to see if they work for you too!

Saturday, March 28, 2015


This is a very true statement. There are some people in our lives that take so much out of us that we become unhappy. It is so easy to let people drain the happiness from us but it is so hard for us to get the energy to get our happiness back. Pay attention to the way that you weigh on people, be considerate of others, you could be breaking someone down that you love....................
I can't believe it is that time for me.......graduation!!!! Let me start off by saying that i am getting my bachelors degree in health care administration and a minor in business.  I am so excited to accomplish my goal. I must say that it was not easy...but nothing worth having is.  I remember when i first started, i was really nervous and i felt like it would take forever. Let me tell you, time goes by fast! I felt a little intimidated when i first started, i did not think that i could do it. I made myself a promise that i would not stop, whatever i do.  There were even times when i felt like certain classes were just to difficult for me...i still succeeded. I am here to tell you today, that you can do it! Whatever you are going through, you can make it.  Just push yourself. There is no one stopping you but you. GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY!!!!!!!!
 This is my testimony, i graduate on May 3, 2015!!!!!!!!!!

Best soap for children with ezema

Shea moisture organic butter soap is the best soap to use on a baby with eczema.  My daughter was born with the skin condition called eczema.  She still suffers from a mild case of it today.  I have found that for my child this soap is a great solution when she has outbreaks.  It is also great to add extra moisture to your children skin directly after a bath with any moisturizing lotion.